Saturday, July 26, 2008
Oh, My Gum Bleeds!
This a common occurrence in all persons at one stage or the other in their lives. I have often woke up in the morning to brush my teeth and then find that my gums bleed. Does it mean that I `ve got bad health issues? I used to think so. Until one morning, a girlfriend noticed and asked me if I did not brush my teeth the prevous morning. I told her that I did, while she maintained that it is the normal occurrence of one`s not cleaning his teeht the previous day.
But what causes bleeding gums? Matter fact, I do not know, but I have often noticed that my gums bleed after a short time of having bad diet. this makes me conclude that in the earlier stages This could be the results of lack of adequate calcium in the gums. Some medical researches or articles have claimed that it is known as periodontal disease and that about 75 - 95% of Americans suffer from this disease. The same source says that almost all diseases related to the mouth are curable.
In my opinion, I think that everyone should try to get the needed intake of calcium and vitamin D3 at all times. Never underestimate the importance of brushing and flossing your teeth at any giving moment. This may help in lowering cases of bleeding gums which definitely is also a sign of deteriorating health. Another issue that may concern everybody is that of bad breath. This case may need to be treated differently. However, these two cases somehow relate to the activities of bacteria in the mouth area. Take care of your helth now before it is too late!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
A Gallon Of Pills For Your Throat?
In his words, "you know, it must reach and heal all the bones and marrows".
Truly, not many of us take advice seriously. In the case of medications, all too often, we fabricate a way of treating ourselves other than how or what the doctor recommended. Call it self-medication? Anyone can be a doctor! But it is in your best interest to use all that Chloramphenicol prescribed by your doctor, even if it is so bitter that after you swallow the pills you feel like vomitting.
In some cases, the treatment of typhoid may require your doctor to prescribe certain amount of drugs for treatment. you may feel that the prescription is unjustifiable because a friend--once diagnosed with the same ailment some time ago did not use that much medication. So you automatically make additions and deductions. Finally you reduce your intake of the prescription. This behaviour must be avoided at all costs as it is detrimental to your health.
So let us leave the doctor to do his/her work been trained to do. What we all believe is that doctors know about medications more than we do. Isn`t it?
NetDoctor says,"Always follow the instructions carefully. Some types of medication must be taken at regular intervals, while others can be taken more sporadically. In some instances, the medicine should be taken before, during or after a meal or snack. All medication should come with instructions that will explain the correct dosage and use. This information must be read prior to taking the medication. If you are uncertain about how to take your medicine ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice".
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Safe Medication Methods
Great surprise that in today`s world, some people cannot live without a bunch of pills.
However, many kinds of medications still have components with the potential to cause effects that can be poisonous, or possibly fatal, if taken in excess. Even the so-called medications known as antihistamins can be very dangerous.
Some medication is available on a doctor's prescription only, while others can be bought over the counter. In either case, misuse of medication may be dangerous to your health. And so often than not, such abuse is a common phenomenon.
There are those that think that their bodies have been created only to function with medicines alone and that without them in a day they would die or some ominous thing will happen to them. Medications can become a powerful god that may speedily destroy them. You must never be glued to any medications that affect the metabolism of your own body.
Sometimes, it is helpful for us all to think from the other perspective. How does other things contribute to your health? I mean things like nutrition, or exercise. Good food balanced with reasonable exercise can be excellent combination for quick recovery.
Find out and see for yourself.
Monday, July 14, 2008
The Best Medicine For Stress
A slight headache may drive one crazy. It is easy for anyone to quickly crave for medicines to cure headache. But is a frenzy resort to drugs the best way to cure all maladies? There is an endless array of medicines over the counter which a patient can choose from. Experts always would have us believe that these medications is the ultimate relief from our aches, whether it is in the head or on our back. While the use of drugs may be the first point of call for a patient, there are better ways to treat headaches or slight disturbances that may occur in the body from time to time.
Headaches, backaches, nervous discomforts, or even insomnia may be signs that you need to give proper attention to the body. This, however does not mean that you should scuttle to the nearest store to get medication for fast relief. Probably all that is needed is a good night sleep. Of course, you must have heard of the 8 hours sleep and the benefit we can get from it. The truth is: No one really gets that amount of sleep every night. Getting it everyday as well does not mean that we will be free from occasional body discomfort. There is simply no guarantee that the bodily system cannot break down at any moment, even sometimes without warning.
However, when you feel like you are stressed up a bit--probably you have begun to notice the familiar symptoms--take a break from the everyday routine. Do something different, like staying in bed for most parts of the day, while you free your whole system from negative or 'fearful' thoughts that can add to body discomfort.
Though this is not a cure-all medication for stress, I believe that you could just wake up feeling feeling so well that it may be hard for you to believe that you were down, just the other day.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
How Should Medications Be taken?
Today`s gist.
Basically, anyone could easily say, 'as prescribed by your doctor'. But not everyone waits fro te doctor to arrive before taking medications. You cannot predict what will happen at any time. you may be anywhere and in any condition that needs you to swallow some pills. What then are the common sense needed when taking medications?
Netdoctor says
medication may cause reactions that were not intended. These are known as side effects. Possible side effects are mentioned in the instructions that come with the medication, although the majority do not last long and are not a serious risk to health.
It is especially important for those of us who readily love to go to medicine/drug counters to buy medications without asking how it may affect the overall wellbeing of their body to beware! If a medication carries a high risk of serious side effects, you may be informed of this at the time it is prescribed. If your doctor or pharmacist does not tell you the indepth side effects of that medication you just bought, please ask! You hear? ASK!
According to the same report,
nobody can predict whether a person will experience side effects, so it is vital for you to inform your GP if there is any unusual reaction. If this happens, it may be necessary to stop taking the medication and try a different form of treatment. Your GP will be able to advise you whether the side effects outweigh the benefits of the medication.
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Monday, July 7, 2008
What About A Medical Insurance?
Now you may not realize how important it is for you to have a medical insurance until when you are about to travel abroad. Sometimes, you can even be refused a travel visa. But more importantly, Larry says,
There are various agencies which provide medical insurance. When you have a medical insurance policy you are ensured full financial support by those providing the policy. The only hurdle is the insurance premium. Every insurance company decides its own premium which needs to be paid. However visitor medical insurance ensures a happy and hassle free journey especially when you travel with your family.
If you did not know, now you know. And to be plain enough, you have your flexibilities, as you can choose various types of medical insurance. According to Larry, you either incur cost or reduce it. All the same, it helps if you have a medical insurance while travelling abroad. Also you may want to consider the folowing:
It is very important to know that what visitors insurance covers. Usually pre-existing conditions, vision correction, cosmetic surgery, self inflicted injuries are not covered by your insurance policy.
This information is timely and very helpful as well. This is especially true if you are travelling in the 'visitor' status, or with your whole family.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
What Good Medications Do To You
Yesterday, after lunch, I felt a slight headache at the left side of my head and then I decided to take a paracetamol tablet. It worked like a miracle. I got much relief in a short time. Of course, paracetamol is a good drug.
My case is a simple one. Others have felt headache in the past and it has resulted into something lethal for them. You may have heard of someone with headache who, after complaining, was rushed off to the hospital. On getting there he/she was confirmed dead. Now that illustrates the advantage of good medication, and the regular medical checkup that everyone should have periodically.
How often do you visit your doctor? What type of medicines do you take? All these are factors you really need to consider seriously because you may not want to be the next person that drops dead suddenly without a clear explanation.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Cheap Medical Solutions
Mankind has for thousands of years manufactured different types of medicines to make him feel better. Others have tried, to no success to elongate their lives through the use of elixirs.
One thing is sure--proper use of medicines can and does lead to a better life. But many people still need cheap medical treatment or solutions. This is actually true when it comes to those who are in Africa or Asia and other parts of the world where poverty reigns supreme. So what can we do about it? It is clear that we still have a lot to do so as to improve medical conditions worldwide.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Persevere My Friend!
Some bloggers get so discouraged after a few weeks when they see that their blog do not receive traffic at all. If your blog is new, there is nothing to be sad about. Most successful websites started with little or no traffic at all. Probably you have not started to insert links in your posts yet. It all takes time. Linking to other blogs can help you get more traffic and pagerank as well. Better still, start commenting on other blogs as this is another means of gaining exposure for your blog. Perhaps out of 5 bloggers whom you have made comments on, two may come over to see your blog. We all get curious at times.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
How to Avoid Scams On line
Have you tried SFI?
This is the best affiliate program I have come across on the web. Compared to many other affiliate programs, SFI gives you, an opportunity to grow your business even if you are a newbie. And the setting up of this is totally free.
Unlike the impersonal sites I have seen in my search for affiliate programs, the people behind the organization have nothing to hide. Gery Carson, the president, and other members of SFI have their pictures on the site as well. Looking at the whole pages on the site, you find that they are all secure.
What really impressed me most was how the name and e-mail address of the person who refered to the program was revealed to me from the letter of the president, Mr Carson.
Once you take the “smart start” step, you become an SFI affiliate and are on your way to becoming an executive affiliate or EA. you start earning commissions each month and you get SFI`s products at wholesale price. Your commissions can also increase from 30\% to 60\%.
For any one wanting to make money online this is a real good deal!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Make Money Writing Online
Both of these sites will reward you with the greatest amount of money. If you just want to make some extra pocket change, and do not feel like drawing up material with references, then try myLot, Helium, and WritingUp.
On the other way round, you could make extra coins by simply writing a blog like this. This may take time,but after your perseverance your efforts get to pay off.
This means that there are still a lot that writers stand to gain online. But you have to be willing to work to make some profit for yourself online.
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