Tuesday, June 24, 2008


In so many places today, it is getting hard for people to survive. The very first obstacle to survival is the high rate of poverty in Africa and other parts where people live within the hostile confines of poverty and the common effects that it brings along. Basically, it seems that most of what we suffer are the results of things that had deep origins belonging to the past. Because of how so many suffer without a glimpse of hope, many have taken their lives and others have their lives impaired by depression which may lead to various types of diseases.

Not all those who had a poor beginning end up helplessly poor. We have learned from them and are still learning that we can turn things around if we really want to. What we basically need is much effort on our part. There is a single truth to help those who may have tried and failed in the past: Keep trying. There is no other way to it. If you keep failing, you need to keep trying if you really want to be a success story in order to inspire others.

Take a deep look at your area, I mean where you were born or where you grew up. You must know at least one or two people who have made an impact. Think of it, Barack Obama had at one time reared cattle with his father when he was very young. Yet, he has arisen to the high level of contesting the presidential post in the U.S.A. Does his past not show that you can make it, that you can overcome whatever you need to overcome in the future? Now is the time to start. Yes now is the time to start making that uppermost move to turn your life around. Why not also strive against the wind, yes, why not start rebuffing those hindrances that keep telling you no ever since you were born?

Your hindrances may not be about poverty, but it could relate to personality problems or a weakness you feel inside yourself and that gets you bogged down many times in your life. The same principle can help. Bad habits that you know must be countered must not be encouraged to the point that it becomes the king or the commander of one`s life or decisions. We have heard about people whom doctors had told that they would never walk again in their lives but who, with persistence and much effort start to walk again gradually.

So whatever your hindrances or handicap, you can make it.

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